10 D Printives
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10DPrintives is a newly formed 3D Printer company comprising of a highly experienced team in engineering, technology, product development, mechanics, and customer service. 10DPrintives goals are to supply innovative 3D printers with the greatest functionality, quality, reliability, and highest value to the prosumer market.
We are in interesting times with 3D printing and additive manufacturing. The 3D technology continues to advance and many companies are finding creative ways to use 3D printed parts. More and more industries, businesses, and consumers are adopting the technology and finding out that 3D printing can be profitable. However, there are several issues today. High end 3D printers give great quality and speed but come with a huge price tag somewhere in the tens of thousands of dollars. At the consumer level, prices have dropped and the printers are becoming smaller and less expensive. In between the high end and low end solutions, the following problem exists. If you are a small business, Maker Center, Education Center, or a Prosumer, the consumer printer might be too limiting in build size, speed, or quality. The high end printer maybe too high of an investment on your bottom line. So where do you go for a balance of functionality, speed, quality, and price? We have a perfect 3D printer for you.


Are you a small business making hundreds of Robots or Drones to sell? Or maybe you are a new entrepreneur making souvenirs/trophies for the local youth soccer teams and need a thousand player mementos?

You don't need a single print head/single extruder 3D printer. You don't need to buy more 3d printers because that will be expensive and more of a headache to manage.

Quadra is perfect for your situation as it will simultaneously print 4 objects with high quality. With a 50 micron Z resolution, this will give your print objects the realism you need.

With four print heads each with a single extruder, Quadra has a large build volume of 200x200x600mm. A build volume that accommodates most jobs at any maker center. Four print heads that allow you to print different materials and colors.

QUADRA also has remote software management to allow you to load, execute, or cancel your print jobs. Alternatively, if you need to connect directly, Quadra includes a USB port and LCD controls for direct printing. In addition, the software also allows you to turn off print heads on demand if you only need one, two, or three prints.

Need the flexibility to multitask while your print jobs are running? IOT ready, Quadra includes a built in camera to allow you or your customers to visually monitor the print jobs through the internet at any time. With remote print management, that is a powerful feature when you can be offsite to check on the status of your print jobs.

Under the hood, QUADRA has patent pending technologies including efficient harmonious independent print head movement. These innovations results in greater quality print jobs.

But maybe you need even larger print volumes? QUADRA is designed to be modular and can be easily configured. With separate Add-ons, you can make the printer a dual print heads with single extruders 200x600x600mm build volume printer or single print head with single extruder. An amazing 600x600x600mm build volume printer.

10 D Printives gives you what you need to maximize the productivity of your business or institution. Our goals are to supply innovative 3D printers with the greatest functionality, quality, and highest value to the prosumer market.

Features and Specifications:

Build Volume: 4 extruders: 200x200x600mm
Build Volume: 2 extruders: 200x600x600mm
Build Volume: 1 extruder: 600x600x600mm
Layer Resolution: 50 microns
Z position accuracy: < 40 microns
E3D extruders
Filament diameter: 1.75 - 3mm
Material types: ABS, PLA
Connectivity: USB, Wireless/IOT, Raspberry PI, OctoPrint
Materials: Extruded Aluminum, Aluminum plating, ABS
File compatibility: STL and GCode
Built in the USA and designed to be structurally sound

Phone Number
1 (425)598-9830
10D Printives 15165 NE 90th Street Redmond WA 98052

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